Information about Entrythingy
1. If you haven't created an entrythingy account, do that first. Keep the information in your profile, particularly your email address, current.
2. Read the call for art and review the entry instructions for the show by clicking on the "apply now" button.
3. Prepare your images, video, title, statement, description of your work, year, price. Size your images and/or video as per the entry instructions so that they are ready to upload.
4. When your materials are ready, go to the entry instructions (first page) of the call on entrythingy. Check the "I have read and understand the instructions" at the bottom of the page to be able to access the next pages. Remember to click the save button on each page. You can edit/change your entry information at any point before you pay for the entry.
5. The "general entry information" is for your whole entry.
6. Select a category.
7. Create a "description of work" and "statement"
8. Tell us how you heard about this call for art.
9. Save
10. Click on "add file" to add your first file. Artists can submit up to three files per entry/entry fee. Additional views may be added for 3D and installation works. Enter the title, dimensions, material, price and year for each file. Upload your prepared file.
11. Check that all of the information for the file is correct. You can edit or delete if needed.
12. Repeat for up to two additional files.
13. Proof your complete entry. Click on "jury view" to see what the juror will see. Go back to your entry and make changes if necessary.
14. Select "paypal" button to make payment. Once payment is made, edits/changes to your entry cannot be made.
1. If you haven't created an entrythingy account, do that first. Keep the information in your profile, particularly your email address, current.
2. Read the call for art and review the entry instructions for the show by clicking on the "apply now" button.
3. Prepare your images, video, title, statement, description of your work, year, price. Size your images and/or video as per the entry instructions so that they are ready to upload.
4. When your materials are ready, go to the entry instructions (first page) of the call on entrythingy. Check the "I have read and understand the instructions" at the bottom of the page to be able to access the next pages. Remember to click the save button on each page. You can edit/change your entry information at any point before you pay for the entry.
5. The "general entry information" is for your whole entry.
6. Select a category.
7. Create a "description of work" and "statement"
8. Tell us how you heard about this call for art.
9. Save
10. Click on "add file" to add your first file. Artists can submit up to three files per entry/entry fee. Additional views may be added for 3D and installation works. Enter the title, dimensions, material, price and year for each file. Upload your prepared file.
11. Check that all of the information for the file is correct. You can edit or delete if needed.
12. Repeat for up to two additional files.
13. Proof your complete entry. Click on "jury view" to see what the juror will see. Go back to your entry and make changes if necessary.
14. Select "paypal" button to make payment. Once payment is made, edits/changes to your entry cannot be made.